Use just a few coupons and easily save more than the $25 cost of the book… Remember to keep KidStuff book in your car! Most coupons are long-term and valid for 16 months! Click on the link below to see fabulous savings from the Connecticut edition:
Earn 1 FREE book worth $25.00 for every 5 books you sell!
Please make checks payable to "BRAMS PTSO" and send it in to the school's office. If you have any questions, please contact Darcee at [email protected], or email us at [email protected].
KidStuff does not promote door-to-door sales by children.
BOX TOP$ F0r Education
Box Top$ Winter Contest Deadline: February 10, 2017
Submit your Box Top$ for a chance to win…
iTunes or Subway Gift Card
Every10 Box Top$ submitted earns a student one entry into a drawing to win one of three $10 iTunes or Subway gift cards!
Pizza Party
For the class that brings in the most Box Top$ by Friday, February 10, 2017!
How to submit Box Top$: 1) Put your Box Top$ in an envelope or a plastic resealable bag. 2) Write your name and teacher's name on it. 3a) Give it to your homeroom teacher or 3b) Drop them off in our PTSO mailbox in the school's office.
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Free Cash/Merchandise Programs
Help Betsy Ross raise funds by participating with these cooperating businesses. Shop where you usually shop, and help BRAMS at the same time.
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Follow these links to connect to participating businesses: